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when i was a child, i lived in california, which is, you know, mostly a very nice place to live, but for me as a child, california could also be a little scary.

i remember how frightening it was to see the chandelier that hung above our dining table swing back and forth during every minor earthquake, and i sometimes couldn't sleep at night, terrified that the big one might strike while we were sleeping.

and what we say about kids who have fears like that is that they have a vivid imagination. but at a certain point, most of us learn to leave these kinds of visions behind and grow up.

we learn that there are no monsters hiding under the bed, and not every earthquake brings buildings down. but maybe


our lady's child


hard by a great forest dwelt a wood-cutter with his wife, who had an only child, a little girl three years old. they were so poor, however, that they no longer had daily bread, and did not know how to get food for her. one morning the wood-cutter went outsorrowfully to his work in the forest, and while he was cutting wood, suddenly there stood before him a tall and beautiful woman with a crown of shining stars on her head, who said to him, i am the virgin mary, mother of the child jesus. thou art poor and needy, bring thy child to me, i will take her with me and be her mother, and care for her. the wood-cutter obeyed, brought his child, and gave her to the virgin mary, who took her up to heaven with her. there the child fared well, ate sugar-cakes, and drank sweet milk, and her clothes were of gold, and the little angels played with her.


and when she was fourteen years of age, the virgin mary called her one day and said, dear child, i am about to make a long journey, so take into thy keeping the keys of the thirteen doors of heaven. twelve of these thou mayest open, and behold the glory which is within them, but the thirteenth, to which this little key belongs, is forbidden thee. beware of opening it, or thou wilt bring misery on thyself. the girl promised to beobedient, and when the virgin mary was gone, she began to examine the dwellings of the kingdom of heaven. each day she opened one of them, until she had made the round of the twelve. in each of them sat one of the apostles in the midst of a great light, and she rejoiced in all the magnificence and splendour, and the little angels who always accompanied her rejoiced with her. then the forbidden door alone remained, and she felt a great desire to know what could be hidden behind it, and said to the angels, i will not quite open it, and i will not go inside it, but i will unlock it so that we can just see a little through the opening. oh no, said the little angels, that would be a sin. the virgin mary has forbidden it, and it might easily cause thy unhappiness. then she was silent, but the desire in her heart was not stilled, but gnawed there and tormented her, and let her have no rest.



the flood

towards the end of the age of bronze the human world became very cruel.

men grew hungry,impolite and ungodly.neither rightn or law was respected any longer,and the rule of hospitality was forgotten.dressed up in human form,zeus visited arcadia andthessaly,and disliked the deadly wrongs of men .he decidedto clear the earth of them all.without hesitation he released therainy south wind and called upon the heartless poseidon to help.soon the whole world sank in a vast ocean, and the entire humanrace disappeared in the unheard of flood,all but two poor thessalians .

these were an old childless couple,kind and faithful and contented with life.the man was called deucalion and his wife pyrrha.son of prometheus,deucalion had been warned beforehand by his father of the coming flood and made himself a hugechest.when the roaring flood came the couple hid themselves init and floated for nine days until it touched land again on mt parnassus.

the once active world presented a frightening sight.it was all death and ruin.feeling lonely and unsafe,the old coupleprayed to the gods for help.a sage instructed them to cast the bones of their mother about .the son of the wise titan, havingguessed the true meaning of the mysterious command, started throwing stones behind him. a miracle occurred. the stonesthat the man cast became men;the stones that the woman threwturned into women.since then,people appeared on the land again.the heroic age had begun.


good moring everyone ,today i will tell you my dream keeped in my heart .

the ideal is dream , it is power that people move forward to. each people have their different ideams. i have my own ideam .

when i was childen i like to look fairy tale ,so every day i looked lots of fairy tale books , sometimes mom told me beautiful fairy tales, wonderful legends . every time , i na-iv-ely looked at sparked stars in the sky , i thought : when i grow up would like to be a writer and write many articles let people read and appreciate .

as time goes slowly, this beautiful but na-iv-e ideal is permanently impressed in my mind, it deeply hide in my heart and become a kind of power urge me forward. with the passage of time , i have slowly come to understand a reason , it is not easy to be writers , it needs to experience many twists and turns on the road , need to suffer numerous wind and rain blow . but i will not back down and fear , i would like to insist, i firmly believe that if you insist on you will achieve victory.

thanks my beloved teacher ,thanks every classmates .


the ugly duckling

it was lovely summer weather in the country, and the golden corn, the green oats, and the haystacks piled up in the meadows looked beautiful. the stork walking about on his long red legs chattered in the egyptian language, which he had learnt from his mother. the corn-fields and meadows were surrounded by large forests, in the midst of which were deep pools. it was, indeed, delightful to walk about in the country. in a sunny spot stood a pleasant old farm-house close by a deep river, and from the house down to the water side grew great burdock leaves, so high, that under the tallest of them a little child could stand upright. the spot was as wild as the centre of a thick wood. in this snug retreat sat a duck on her nest, watching for her young brood to hatch; she was beginning to get tired of her task, for the little ones were a long time coming out of their shells, and she seldom had any visitors. the other ducks liked much better to swim about in the river than to climb the slippery banks, and sit under a burdock leaf, to have a gossip with her. at length one shell cracked, and then another, and from each egg came a living creature that lifted its head and cried, peep, peep. quack, quack, said the mother, and then they all quacked as well as they could, and looked about them on every side at the large green leaves. their mother allowed them to look as much as they liked, because green is good for the eyes. how large the world is, said the young ducks, when they found how much more room they now had than while they were inside the egg-shell. do you imagine this is the whole world? asked the mother; wait till you have seen the garden; it stretches far beyond that to the parsonsquo;s field, but i have never ventured to such a distance. are you all out? she continued, rising; no, i declare, the largest egg lies there still. i wonder how long this is to last, i am quite tired of it; and she seated herself again on the nest.

well, how are you getting on? asked an old duck, who paid her a visit.


a man goes into a bar with his dog. he goes up to the bar and asks for a drink.


the bartender says you can't bring that dog in here! the guy, without missing a beat, says this is my seeing-eye dog.


oh man, the bartender says, i'm sorry, here, the first one's on me. the man takes his drink and goes to a table near the door.


another guy walks into the bar with a chihuahua. the first guys sees him, stops him and says you can't bring that dog in here unless you tell him it's a seeing-eye dog.


the second man graciously thanks the first man and continues to the bar. he asks for a drink. the bartender says hey, you can't bring that dog in here!


the second man replies this is my seeing-eye dog. the bartender says, no, i don't think so. they do not have chihuahuas as seeing-eye dogs.


the man pauses for a half-second and replies what?!?! they gave me a chihuahua?!?


















    星期一至星期五 8:30~12:30 14:00~18:00
