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hello everyone, welcome to the great wall with me. my name is yue. you cancall me tour guide yue. here, i hope you will pay attention to your safety,protect your finance, do not scribble, do not litter, on the road, please do notmake a loud noise.

dear passengers, we have come to the foot of the great wall. do you thinkthe great wall is like a long dragon winding between the mountains? i tell you,it has more than 13000 miles. if you want to have a look, go up and have a goodlook.

dear tourists, we have now ascended the great wall of badaling. it is madeof huge bricks and stones. it is tall, solid and magnificent. it's also verywide. five or six horses can run in parallel. if you don't believe it, you canstretch out your hands and stand more than a dozen people. there are rows ofcrenels on the outer edge of the city wall. there are square lookouts andshooting ports on the crenels. in ancient times, they were used to shoot andwatch the enemy's movements. every three hundred meters there is a cityplatform, which used to be a fortress for soldiers.

there are many stories about the great wall, such as meng jiangnu cryingover the great wall. it is said that a long time ago, there was a meng familyvillage in songjiang prefecture, jiangsu province, where an old man was good atplanting gourds. this year, the gourds he planted grew very prosperous, and oneof them stretched out to his neighbor jiang's yard. meng and jiang were veryfriendly, so they made an appointment with each other in autumn and married halfof the gourd family. in autumn, it turned out to be a big gourd. meng and jiangwere very happy. they picked the gourd and prepared to share it. suddenly,hearing the cries of children coming from the gourd, old man meng was verystrange, so he cut the gourd with a knife. ah! there was a little girl sittingin the gourd with a red face and a round mouth, which was very popular.

the old jiang's mother-in-law saw that she was very fond of it. she pickedit up and said, "give me the child!" but old meng had no children and had tofight with them for a while. in the end, we had to ask the elders of the villageto cut off. the elder said, "your two families have agreed to raise half of thegourd family, so the children in the gourd should be raised by your twofamilies." so the little girl became the apple of the eye of the two families.because the old man had no children, she lived in the meng family and was namedmeng jiangnu.

meng jiangnu grows up day by day. she is clever, smart and beautiful. sheweaves cloth and sings songs to compete with huang ying. meng old man loves heras a treasure. on this day, meng jiangnu finished sewing and went to the backgarden to relax. in the garden, the lotus is in full bloom, and the water is asblue as blue. suddenly, a pair of big butterflies fall on the lotus leaves bythe side of the pool, which attracts her attention. she walks over and pourswith a fan. she doesn't want to use too much force, and the fan falls into thewater. meng jiangnu was very angry, so she rolled up her sleeves and searchedfor something. suddenly she heard something behind her. she looked back and sawthat it was a young man standing under a tree, full of dust and tired.

meng jiangnu rushed to find her parents. meng laohan was very angry withthe young man for entering the back garden privately. she asked, "who are youand how dare you enter my back garden privately?" the young man pleaded guiltyand told the story. it turned out that the young man's name was wan xiliang. hewas born in suzhou. he had studied since childhood and was full of articles. thefirst emperor of qin dynasty did not want to build the great wall and catch thestrong men everywhere. the three men drew one and the five men drew two. thepeople were full of complaints. wan xiliang quickly disguised himself andescaped. just now, i went to the garden to have a rest because i was hungry andthirsty. i didn't want to disturb meng jiangnu. i told her that i was guiltyagain and again. meng jiangnu saw that wan xi's conscience was well written andpolite, and that she was honest and honest.

old man meng sympathizes with wan xiliang, so he stays with him. mengjiangnu expresses her heart to her father. old man meng agrees with him verymuch, so he comes to the front hall and says to wan xiliang, "you are in exilenow, and there is no fixed place. i want to recruit you as my son-in-law. whatdo you think?" wan xiliang leaves his seat and says, "i'm a fugitive. i'm afraidi'll implicate the young lady in the future. ”but meng jiangnu has decided notto marry xi liang, and wan xiliang finally agrees. old man meng was so happythat he couldn't close his mouth. he quickly negotiated with the jiang family tochoose an auspicious day to marry them. waiting for revenge.

there is a scoundrel in mengjiazhuang. he likes to flirt with others andhas nothing to do. he has come to the door many times to ask for marriage. butold man meng refuses. he has a grudge. now he hears about wan xiliang's affair,so he secretly goes to the government to tell the secret and takes the officersand soldiers to arrest people. at this time, the meng family was still in thedark. they had just been married for three days, and they were still immersed injoy. suddenly, the door was smashed open. a group of officers and soldiersrushed in and tied up wan xiliang's rope and were about to take him away. mengjiangnu rushed up and was pushed away by the officers and soldiers. she watchedher husband be taken away by the officers and soldiers. since then, meng jiangnuhas been thinking about her husband day and night, not tea, not rice.

in the twinkling of an eye, winter is coming, and heavy snow is coming.jiang nv wants her husband to build the great wall. it's freezing and cold. shehas no clothes to keep out the cold, so she rushes to sew cotton padded clothesday and night, and sings her own little song: "the moon is very bright. mengjiangnv's husband builds the great wall. even if he goes all the way, it's astrong feeling to send his clothes." overnight, meng jiangnu made cotton paddedclothes and set foot on the journey. all the way through the mountains andrivers, sleeping in the open, i don't know hunger and thirst, i don't knowfatigue, day and night constantly forward, this day finally came to the foot ofthe great wall.

but there are tens of thousands of people under the great wall. where can ifind them? she asks everyone. the kind-hearted people tell her that wan xiliangdied of fatigue and was buried in the great wall to build a wall. hearing this,meng jiangnu felt like a knife in her heart. she asked the kind-hearted migrantworkers to lead her to the great wall where wan xiliang was buried. sitting atthe foot of the city, meng jiangnu was filled with grief and indignation: shewanted to find her husband to give her cold clothes. she had gone through allkinds of difficulties and dangers. in the end, she couldn't even find herhusband's corpse. how could she not make her heart break. the more i think aboutit, the more i feel sad. i cry to the great wall day and night. i don't drink oreat. it's like crying blood cuckoos and looking at the moon. the cry moved theworld, the white clouds stopped for it, and the birds kept silent.

i cried for three days and three nights. suddenly, i heard the roar of themountain. the earth was shaking and the rocks were flying. the great wallcollapsed 800 li, revealing wan xiliang's corpse. the great wall fell 800 li,which alerted the officers and soldiers, who reported it to the first emperor ofqin. the first emperor of qin was so angry that he ordered meng jiangnu to bearrested. when meng jiangnu was arrested, the first emperor of qin saw herbeauty and wanted to take her as the empress of the palace. meng jiangnu said,"if you want me to be your mother, you have to do three things first: first,build a long bridge, ten miles long and ten miles wide; second, build a gravemound on a ten mile square mountain; third, live long and wear mourning to myhusband's grave." qin shihuang thought about it and agreed. in a few days, allthe tombs and mounds of the long bridge had been built. wearing hemp clothes,the first emperor of qin set out in line to cross the long bridge on the greatwall and come to the grave to pay a memorial ceremony. after the sacrifice, qinshihuang asked meng jiangnu to follow him back to the palace. meng jiangnusneered and said, "you are fatuous and cruel. you have done harm to all thepeople in the world. now you have killed my husband. how can i be your mother?don't be paranoid!" then she took her husband's remains and jumped into therough sea. for a moment, the tide rolling, empty hit the shore, as if for mengjiangnu lament.

well, passengers, this is the end of our tour today. i hope you have theopportunity to visit other natural landscapes in china. goodbye.












大家好,我是你们的导游——叶导游,今天我向大家介绍的地方是:著名的世界遗产——泸沽湖,let's go!


泸沽湖还有一个故事,是“尸香花”的传说。尸香花大约有一个澡盆那么大 ,早上尸香花不会发出味儿,所以没有昆虫去采它的花粉,晚上它就会发出尸体的味道,有一些小虫虫喜欢这种味道,所以它们好不容易爬到花上,准备大吃一顿,一看,却没有好吃的,只有光溜溜的花瓣,小虫虫就滑了下去,像坐滑滑梯那样。花里很滑,但尸香花并不想吃它们,过了1——2天,花蕊里生产出花粉,有一些花粉粘在小虫虫的脚上让小虫虫爬出去,这样,就能让小虫虫帮尸香花繁殖下一代了。


























    星期一至星期五 8:30~12:30 14:00~18:00
